Go to www.StopKillingChristians.com and make your voice be heard for Christians in Nigeria. Last year, President Biden removed Nigeria from a religious persecution watch list. In the same year, Islamic terrorists, militants, and other extremists killed 4,650 Christians in Nigeria! It is not right for America to leave these Christians behind. We must stop the killing. You can help by signing the petition now to demand that President Joe Biden put Nigeria back on the Country of Particular Concern, or “CPC,” list. Nigeria is currently one of the most dangerous places on earth to be a Christian. It is time to stand against this violence and add Nigeria back to the Countries of Particular Concern list immediately. In the months of January 2021 to March 2022, over 6,000 Christians have been martyred in Nigeria, and approximately 4,500 Christians have been abducted in the same timeframe. Millions of Christians throughout the country, but especially in the North, live in fear that they might be next. We cannot remain silent while our brothers and sisters are being persecuted and martyred for their faith. The killings must stop. The torture must stop. The least we can do as Americans is take a stand by acknowledging the very real evil taking place in Nigeria at this time. By adding Nigeria back to the CPC list, America will be making a strong statement that persecution like this is unacceptable.