Please pray for my whole family...in general emotional, physical, spiritual, and financial blessings. Dad-physical strength since he works so much, pray he feels loved/appreciated, healing where there is pain from the past, drinking problem, confidence/guts to seek out his true passion even at his age, greencard in future, he's worked so hard to get our family where we are so just love/blessings on him continuously. Mom-patience, guidance, peace, hope, love, strength to deal with us (her kids), help her to feel appreciated as well, give her ideas/innovations/job opportunity, a place she feels needed/welcomed, good friends, take her emotional pain away, just as God to hug her everyday/all day. Alex and Fidel-guidance in future, opportunities regarding school/soccer, wisdom, good friends, a mentor, ability to communicate, realize what's important in life, humility, appreciation/respect for parents, maturity/responsibility, understand what it really means to be a man. Karen-respect for herself/body, heal emotional pain, help her to stand strong in the midst of negativity, help make good choices, discernment, live up to her potential, find a good husband one day, purity, seek out what's best for her and our family. And myself-just continual guidance and patience and help me to love/forgive my family and be an example to them and those around me. In general just please do pray for my family, I have a lot of "things" in my life, but what I want most is to have a healthy/loving/functional family! Thank you.