Thank you for giving us the privilege to pray for your son as he navigates through this interview process. We are truly grateful that you invited us to stand in agreement with you in prayer. If your son has been offered the job and your request has been answered, we would love for you to share that joy with us and post a praise report. If your son is still in the interview process or the job has been given to someone else, please share this with us again as a new request and allow us to continue interceding for him. We want to support you both in this journey.
May God bless your son with the wisdom and discernment needed to excel in his interviews and ultimately secure a permanent job. We ask the Lord to guide his thoughts and words and allow him to connect well with the hiring team. We pray the Lord softens the hearts of the interviewers so they may see the value he can add to their team. We lift up the suffering and needs of your son to our merciful and faithful God. We claim these things in Jesus Name. Amen