Disciple of Prayer
And to desire the things of God and Be saved In Jesus Name..and also to know his family loves him he has had a hard live growing up with my x husband with drugs and alcohol involved and now his Dad has passed away and he lived alone with him so now he feels so lost and has no confidence no self esteem and thinks no one else cares he always says that and how alone he feels he lives with my daughter his sister which is very hard for her and her family with his past behaviors of taking drugs and them having to keep a close eye on him and he smokes which no one else in the family does he's also left thier house and stayed in the woods thinking no one cares which isn't true we all love him deeply and just want the Best for him but we ourself don't know much what to do besides what we've been doing by trying to give him a place ,food, support and we are taking him to Church but he
seems so closed up and is one of the first to leave when Church has ended..so Please help us Pray for This Closed door to be opened and he will know God so The Lord Jesus may know Him..and his mind and thoughts are also changed to the Wisdom and understanding in the Lord Jesus's ways.As a Mother I'm Praying ,Agreeing and Proclaiming This For my Children all 4 of them and I'm +
"Trusting In Jesus"
seems so closed up and is one of the first to leave when Church has ended..so Please help us Pray for This Closed door to be opened and he will know God so The Lord Jesus may know Him..and his mind and thoughts are also changed to the Wisdom and understanding in the Lord Jesus's ways.As a Mother I'm Praying ,Agreeing and Proclaiming This For my Children all 4 of them and I'm +

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