♡ May God in Jesus' name answer every prayer request you post on this site according to His perfect will for all those involved. ♡♡♡ Let's Pray:God I touch and agree in the spirit by faith with the writer of this prayer. God I ask in Jesus’ name, fill us and all those I love and care about with Your wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. Give us ears to hear and a heart to accept and embrace Your plans for our lives. Create within us an unquenchable desire to only want what You God want for our lives. Teach us how to trust You, commit our ways unto You, and allow You to direct our footsteps. Don’t let us make a move until we have heard from You.~~Bless, encourage, and strengthen us. Supply our every need. Cause us to prosper and be in excellent health. Provide the faith that is needed in each of our lives to follow Your leading, guidance, and commands. Bless us to live a successful, prosperous life in Christ. Help each of us to walk in victory and be Victors in Christ. Don’t let us be the Victims of Satan’s evil plans and plots for our lives. Destroy his plans for our lives. The hole that was dug for us let our enemies find themselves standing in that very same hole. God, one more thing, please develop within each of us a more intimate, mature, and dynamic relationship with You based upon the true Word of God and truth. Strengthen our relationship Lord Jesus. Reign in our lives like never before as Lord of All. Let love, joy, peace, protection, excellent health, and prosperity rest upon our lives and reign within our homes. Thank You God for answering this prayer with a yes, amen, so be it.♡♡♡