Please pray for my me, my mum and Aunty . My Aunty is living with my dad and since she’s been living there she’s been causing all this drama with my mum. She is saying that her and my dad are having an affair making my mum upset. Her stuff is at my house from when she lived here and now she threatened to ring the police on my mum saying that she wont let her pick her stuff up when she can. Now she wont even let my mum go over to my dads when she wants to, saying she cant come over there. And every time she goes over there she gets angry and tells my mum to ring a taxi and leave and that she cant even stare at my dad anymore. My Aunty has a really bad addiction to pills and she smokes other stuff and drinks. She also does witchcraft and stuff. I don’t like her but I feel like its wrong for me to not like her. I just have this strong hatred towards her because all that she has done to my mum and the rest of our family over the years. All this is causing me and my mum so much stress. Its making my heart problem worse causing me irregular heart rhythms its so stressful plus my anxiety. I want my Aunty to leave and go somewhere else.
Not only that my mum just found out her half of her Centrelink payment is going to be cut and we wont be even be able to afford rent and probably have to move out and move to her dads which is like in another city