Disciple of Prayer
Please pray for my husband's family. My father-in-law passed away two weeks ago and though everyone is beginning to realize that he wouldn't want them to mope around and sulk, my husband and mother-in-law are stuck in a endless loop. They can be perfectly fine one day and the next are extremely sad and lonely. It is I don't even exist anymore to my husband. I have his back, I am being his rock, his shoulder to cry on but I feel like he doesn't want to talk to me and doesn't want to move on. He sees his Dad in this and that on our property(we live out in the country) and everything just wears him down. I have prayed and prayed to God since his Dad passed away to at least calm his mind, to not make him worry so much about mundane things but it doesn't work. I know when you pray God does it on His time not yours and what I right now is on my time. I am worried about my husband. I don't want him holding anything in of course and he isn't but he has posted and posted the long what I call "books" on -banned site-. If he can let his feelings out for everyone to see, why can't he tell me the smallest of details. I am at my wits end and would just like to help him somehow. I need prayers for me and him and our family. We not only had his Dad pass away but 5 days later his Dad's sister passed away. Those two were actually the week before both of them passed joking about who was going to get to Heaven first, my father-in-law did but his sister didn't wait long to join him. Must be a wonderful place, can't wait to see it. Pray for us. My family hurts and I don't really know what else to say here.