Humble Servant of All
please pray for my grandma Schneider Vilmosné. she has deformed spin hernia inher belly and spine. every time she drinkor eats she has high blood pressure and great pain. right now too..please pray that the Lord Jesus Chris totuch her now and release her form all that is casuing the pain adn to hela her spine the muscles aorund her spine and also to strngthen and heal all damaged nerves in her spine and abdomen and muscles in her bopdy to as all. pleas epray By the stripe s of the Lord Jesus Christ s Schneider Vilmosné is heale dof all infirmity sickness and disease. That the Lord Jesus Christ for His Glor ynad By His power alone miraucloulsy heals Schnedier Vilmosné of all infirmity and disease and heals her from her abdomincal pressure . Lord help her to pass gas burp pee, poop normalls. healy he rpevis sphincters everythign needing helaign in he rbody so she can pass gas poop ee properly for oyur glory and by your power int he anme of the Lord Jesus Christ. please do all that oyu can to deliver her form all evil and all waste build up in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.pleaseLord thank you. her and positions he rbody at all times ot be perfectly laigned iwht God 's Will and by His stripes heal her. sh eis in much pain now. pelase pray she wa sin hospital 3 times form such problems. she just came home yesterday. pelase pray that God delivers her form alll eivl adn miraculously heal her spines and nerves and all spinal and physical damage and dleiveres her form all waste easily heals her bowels so she can pee poop and elimintae pwast ehav eproper boel movements an dot get and yproblems ever again of this manner. pelas epray God touches her spines heals all the muscles and pisitions everythign in her body including her hips prothetis into proper position so she has no more boen muscle nerve deformities. also pray the Lord Jesus Christ delivers her form all crial diabetes insipidus and the root cause there of and form all heat disease. Lord Jesus Chris tplease od all iny our poer to hela Schndier Vilmosné. Please bring helaing to all her flesh. deliver her form all that the enemy did or is doin to to damage her. pelas eheal her. forgive me for being a bad cargive. please help me ot know what to do to help her. pelase bring healign to all her body. please for your glory and by Your power please Lord Jesus Christ. also please help me change her diaper wihtout casuing her pain or any blood pressur eor any damge to her even by accident. please forgive me for all the time i cause her pain or put her body out of alignment . please heal her body and put her into proper alignment and hela her hernia and please keep her perfectly hydrated with perfect electrolite levels at al times. pelase do all in you rpower ot give her what she needs fo rhealign and mend her body to be no longer deforme. heal her crushed spirit. giver her amerr yheart. dleiver her heart annd spine all her organs and brian nervous and circulatory system form eevry manne rof sick ness of disease. please bring her into your healing Lord Jesus Christ.. amke her whole.. with no longer having any healht problem.s please otuch her and strngthen and heal her spine and all her muscles to be properly aorund her spin e pand organs inside an dout perfectly in proper posiiton nothign out of plac eor damage includign her hips and spine torso eevrsthing. pleas eheal the curvatur eof her spine perfectly and in perfect position. Please send billions of angels to deliver her form all unecessary prassure and please hela the caus eof the pressure and help her to eliminate waste properly and miraculoulsy put her in a position to be able to have power bowel movements as all time elminiating the wast ein he rbody properly. Please otch her and restore her damaged body ot be in perfect health and alignment for oyr glory by Your power by Your holy stripes Lord Jesus Christ. please Lord. All glory all honour allpowe risoyurs.. Please lord thank you for healing Schndeir Vilmosnés spinal deformities and all damage and also her muscles and heart veins arterie rbain and skull. please do all iny our power to deliver hr from whatever causes high blood pressure when she eats and drinks. please put her spine into proper position. pleas ehlp my change her diaper. please dont allow her body ot be outof alignemnt to you your peefrect helaing of your Hoyl stripes. please heal her crucshed bones and nerves and all muscle and all organ damge. please Holy spirit please move into her body and put everytign into proper position adn strgntehn her and dleiver her from all neurlogical problems and the causes thereof. please heal her small bowel obstruciton syndrome. pelas ehal her crushed spine and please strgnthen adn heal everythignin her body. please Lord forgive me my sins. for i should have been a better caregiver. please Lor dhave emrcy. help me to kow how to help her. please od all iny our power to make sure she has what she needs fo rhealign. please Lord Jesus Christ please clear all obstrucitons in her bowel an dorgans. please mand what is broken and provide the help and ability fo rher to eliminate aste properly. please lord Jesus Christ deliver her form all demencia and whatever prevents her form moving and haivng the ability to move. please lord she really needs your healing . your salvation . pelase lord Jesus Christ . give her the dleiverance she needs for total healign adn restoration of her body and movment memory. please heal her form the caus eof all her infirmities and sicknesses and deliver her permantley 100% and forever formt he root causes therof. please heal Schneider Vilmosné form all abdominal abstruction s now for your glory and by Your power. in the anem above all names in the name ofthe Lord Jesus Christ. strgnthen her and heal all of her cross syndrome and root causes of th eissue. miraculousl pisition and realign her whol body ot be in proper position everythin eevry cell permantley and dleiver her form all evil that causes her body ot be out of alignment. dleiver her form evil and all sin and all the plans of the denemy. please breth life into her all her cells and restore what is damaged in her body. pelase clear all obstruction in her bowelsand heal the cause of the obstructions. i am sorry for my sisn agaisnt her. pelas ei plead the blood of the Lord Jesus Chris ton my sins and and ask for forgivness and mercy. pelase restoremy grandmas back and nerves and remove all bowel obstrcutions and hernia in her body forevr in the name of th elOrd Jesus Christ. please make it easy fo rher to have bowel movements pelas eheal ll her bowels issues. please help her eliminate all waste properly wihtout pressur eor pain. have emrcy. help my unbelif please heal her for Your Glory Lord Jesus Christ. all glory athanks and priase goes to You Lord God almighty. please od all in your power ot hela her for oyur Glory. thanky ou Lord Jesus Christ for dying for her and for giving he rlife for saving her and healing her in your own wounds. please rlease helaing into her. i achknoweldge my sisn agaisnt her befor you. ia ms orry fo r nmy issn against her. have mercy. have mercy otuch her body so she is free form small bowel obstructions and heal all the spine tissure deformities weaknesses nerves and muscles around the spine to work perfectly for oyur Glory by Your power . please I ask this in your Holy name with YOur blood. please I achknoweldge my faults. please please heal all her demencia memory loosss and all dehydraton issues and deliver my grandma schndier Vilmosné form eevry manner of sickness and disease and dformites. please heal her spine and the msucles around her spine. have mercy. otuch and dleiver her form all demetia and all weakness diseaseand infirmity. pelase give her ll the nutrition food and water she need also for her good ehalth. provide her with high faith in you Lord Jesus Christ. help her ot also turn to you for life. Please in the name of th elOrd Jesus Christ. pelase save her reveal yourself to her and heal her whoel bedof sickness. HAve mercy. help me do yo will strgnthen me and dleiver me form all that prevents me form dign your Will. Please Lord Jesus Christ. have mercy urgently deliver my grandma form all abdominal abnormalities obstructions infirmities disease and from eevry manner of evil adn loosen her form all demonic posessiong Lord Jesus Christ please by our power and for your glory. and forever. thank you all forpraying for my grandmas helaing. I thank