Beloved of All
please pray for my fmaily helaign in every wa.y please pray for my grandma to be healed by God int henameo f the Lord Jesis. Lor dpleas etouch her. pelas she has been bedridden for years. pelase Lord help her to giv eher stregnth to speak blink. pelas estrengthen ehr and heal her body for your glory int he enam eof the Lord Jeus Christ he rname os Shcneider Vilmosné. pelase Lord dleive rher and my whole fmaiyl form flehs eatign bacteria. please deliver me and my fmaiyl form flehs eating bacteria. please delive rus form flehs eatign bactrisa. diabetes diabetes insipidus and the root cause therod all dehydration issues. please heal al osteoposisi periodontisis disease. dleiver us form allunclean spirits. please dleive us formt he root causes of gout. giv eus wisdom on how to take car eof oyur bodies. please dleive rmy brother form al illness and my mom too.pleas ehal the heart sof my mom dad ( heart valve. brothers ( heart murmur. pelas ehal Vilike and provide the best care oyu can. pelase giv em y grandma best care Lord. provid efo rmy needs as well. pelas heal yímy fmaily teeth issues. giv eus new teeth. Lor dhave mercy on our sins. help us otbe in your house servign you all our lives. please dleive rmy fmaily form all unclena spirits. please rbign your salvation adn healign through Chirst Holy blodo. please help me to be partaker of spreading the gospel to whoeve rneeds ot hear aboutt he Lord. Lor di need moe nergy pleas ehal my kidneys heal my kidneys pelas ehlp me care formy fmaily. please dleive rme form diabetes and stress related illness . pleas ehelp em to love even those who ge ton mynerves.lo please if oyu have husbadn for me make it verxy clear today who He is and may Yor Holy spirit bring us to be One. thank you Lord. please eveal to me if__________ is my hsuband. Lor dpelase if cyou are iwlling pleas ehal my teeth . dleive rme form metabolic acidosis and please reveal the root caus eof my illnesses. help me to do what is pleasign to oyu. help me to obey my parent seven if im super exhauste.d help me to clean hel oem to feed my grandma and please bless and heal my fmaily for oyur glory Lod Jeus Chirs.t please go befor eus make out crooked places straight. i pray for la lpeopel to be deliveered of all unclean spirits and that Godheals and restores every soul. Pleas eorLord end all wars end all poverty hunger starvaiton have emrcy. please may the gospel of the Lord Jeus Chirs tbe preached everywhere and amy all belive an dknwo the LOrd Jeus Chirst as the true God and eternal life. Lor di owul liek t abtter relationshipw ith you. pelase forgiv em for not seeking oyu.Lord help me to seek you and find you. int henamoe fthe Lord Jeus Chirst. thank you al for praying. Lord please also bles smy neice wiht excellent healht and htei rparents and help her parents to parent and seek you Lord always. pleas ehal all marriages and streghtne husbadn and wife bod and with Christ as center. thank you Lord