Please pray for my father. He is having sever pains in his ribs and back. He's going into urgent care today. Please pray that he gets there safely and that the doctors can identify the issue and treat him so he can get some relief.
Padre Pio come to my aid and intercede so I may be healed and return to full health. Free me from this debilitating illness and let me return to full and lasting health. Dearest Padre Pio, your entire life was marked with poor health and pain. No one understands my anguish more than you. Grant me the joy and hope to continue living in the joy and glory of God, our Lord.
Help me to understand the divine plan the Lord has for me. I implore you, Padre Pio – I feel lost because I can’t see any progress. Let me return to my daily life. Loving Padre Pio, send my Guardian Angel together with other heavenly Spirits to aid my recovery. Give me courage to remain steadfast in faith and to persevere through the pains that I am feeling. Padre Pio, receive my prayer for return to good health. Be my rock along this path toward healing, hold my hand and let my health flourish again. I know that when you are near, my pains will fade away, because nothing is impossible with you by my side. My family and my loved ones are waiting for me and praying that I may recover from my illness. Hear them and answer their prayers.
Glorious Padre Pio, intercede on my behalf and bring me back to full health. Give me a selfless heart, that I may become a reflection and a witness of your goodness. Inspire me to follow you in love, to be more generous, and to do good works. Most forgiving Lord, you granted Padre Pio the gift of performing miracles and granting favors in Your name. May he now come to my aid and intercede so I may be healed and return to full health. Thy will be done, now and forever.
Little Jesus of my life, you are little like me, that's why I love you so much, and I give you my heart, take it, yours it is, and mine not 
Padre Pio, you know me by name, you know my life, and you know my affliction. You have seen my eyes weep and my face become sad, and you know well that my soul is pierced with anguish. Dearest Padre Pio, during your earthly life you showed great love for the sorrowful. Hear my prayer and intercede before almighty God so that I may receive a miraculous blessing for the favor I ask
(express your request with great faith and confidence).
Gentle Padre Pio, strengthen my faith, for I feel tormented with uncertainty. Calm my fears so that my steps may not falter. O Padre Pio, you always showed compassion for others’ sufferings, and you have always poured yourself out lovingly for those who have recourse to you in prayer asking for a special favor. With confidence I entrust myself to your protection, which is so great, so strong, and so immediate before the throne of God.
Beloved Padre Pio, help me by your powerful intercession to receive a miraculous response to the favor I ask of you. Glorious Padre Pio, amidst these trials, teach me to understand the love that God has for me; and if it is not possible that “
this cup pass from me,” help me to accept it with devotion and obedience. Grant me the strength and courage to bear my cross.
Renew my heart; make it loving and full of goodness; let it know how to recognize in my life the fruits of the spirit so that, through them, I may renew my love for God every day. Inspire me to follow you in love, to be more generous, and to do good works. Padre Pio, let this affliction purify me, make me worthy of being heard, and transform me into a new man, to be closer to you and to our Lord Jesus Christ who is in heaven. May his will be done now and forever.