Pray This Prayer For 21 Days: God I ask in Jesus’ name, Encourage Me Lord Jesus. Bless me with the desires of my heart that is the will of God for my life. Bless me to prosper and be in excellent health. Cause my soul to prosper by being built up in the Word of God in truth and understanding. Most importantly bless me to know You better (more intimately) and love You even the more as time passes. Bless me with the strength, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and an overwhelming, unyielding passionate, president desire to fulfill the purpose You created me for. Let the plans that You, Jehovah God, have planned for me come forth and materialize. God word my mouth. Lead, guide, and direct my footsteps. Place a hedge of protection and a wall of fire all around me. Keep me safe from all evil, danger, hurt, and harm. Be my refuge, fortress, my ever present help in the time of trouble. God all that I have asked of You in this prayer please do the same for all those I love, care about, and the writer of this prayer. Thank You Lord Jesus. Amen! ***You continue to pray and trust God to answer your prayers in His timing. God is never late. Wait on the Lord.