Beloved of All
Please pray for my family's salvation in Christ. Please pray for my mom who is sick. Please pray the LORD God almighty through HIs SOn, our LORD Jesus Christ, God manifeste din the flesh to take away our sins.. that He may be greatly glorified and that He heals my mom's heart, teeth,the LORD God almighty's salvation. That she is heale dof all inflamation . that God jeals her form all disease and gives he rnew teeth for HIS glory. Jesus can do this. He is the same yesterday, today and forver. LORd please heal all those hwo have any diseases. Please forgive us our iniquities, our sins and heall us form all diseases. YOur Word is truht. Please Help me turn my entiree life over to you. Please Jesus. ALso do the same for allp eople. PLease LORd brign your salvation the knowledge of the the truth. the knowledge of who Jesus is to all people. Save us LORD. For only YOu can do this. THank oyu for slowly gettign rid of my idols. Please LORd continue to take away my idols so i may serve YOu and honour YOu. Please prolongue our lives. her eon earth. Brin gus into your grace, mercy and healing. touch my mom now. heal her LORd for YOur names sake. for the sake of Jeus. Help my unbelife. help me to trust you and not myself or even your creating. Jesus , if thou wilt thou kanns tmake my mom whole .PLease for your name's sake. be glorified alway, which you are. heal my mom LORD Jesus. Please heal her and my dad to form all mental andphysical illness . Please deliver my dad form his sins, his illnesses and modd disorders. LORd Jesus please provifde for all his needs and please heal my brother form histamine inteolerance so that he cna eat normalls. LORd please heal my grandmothers form all illness. Heal Ági from cancer and all illnesses please LORd jesus . YOu be glorified Please giv eher YOUR salvation. Please deliver my earthly dad form homelessness. Please do not let him freeze. Help him to turnt o oyu with all his heart and please help him. Please ocme to his rescue LORD Jesus. Please also Do everythign you possibly can LORd Jesus to save all people and to hela them Jesus. YOur our only Ope. YOur God almighty . YOu have all the power. please Jesus save my fmaily formt heir isns and deliver us form all evil. Please do the same for all my christina brothers and sister. Please healy the isck among us an dour fmaily lies and loved ones, raise the dead ..Jesus Please be close to us and help us. We need YOu Jesus. Were are all los wihtout you. LORd help all thos ehwo are suffering. Be glofied through them and please heal them. Brng your salvation to all people and delive rme form ymyself forver. Make all of us true disciples of You and only YOU Y LORd Jesus, the Christ. The SOn of the LIvign God. Our redeemer. the way, truth and life. Please heal Bill's chronic fatigue. Help him and guide him wiht YOur HOly spirit. Please heal MAvis and heal her for YOur glory Lord and by YOur power. Please heal Jennifer of all mental illness. Heal her emotionally. Please heal the fmaily and also T and His dad. Protect the fmaily form all evil. Help all chruches to seek YOUR glory and not their own. please strengthen his muscles and heal his sister form cancer entirely . All for your glory LORD God almight. WHich you rightly deserve. Heal all those hwo have a Hernia please LORd for your glory. Please let your glory your kingdom coem. your righteousness and also your emrcy. PLease Protect all homless people form the col and please let no one freeze to death. Please hela my dead. Please LORd deliver him from homelesseness. Please protect us form evil. Please convert us all to be true believers of your SOnt he LORD Jesus Christ. Please svae us form our isns. Jesus you are our onyl hope. Gide us into you. Please kepp us close to oyu today. PLease heal Reid of all illness in Jesus Christ name. Please heal Nándor. Please giv ehim YOUR salvation LORD: Heal his heart. giv ehim a new one. Please be glorified and heal Him for YOUr glory LORD Jesus Christ. Caus eHIs heart to turnt o YOU and beliv ein YOur SOn the lORD Jesus CHRist. Please LORD heal Jani Bácsi form all illness. MAy HE belive in you LORD jeSUS ,T HE cHRIST AS hIS PEROSNAL sAVIOUR AND HEAL HIM OF ALL ILLNESS. jESUS yoU CAN DO THIS. HELP MY UNBELIFE. lorD DELIVE RME FORM ALL VAINTY AND PROTECT US ALL FORMT HE ENEMY. dLEIVER US FORM ALL THE ENEMIES POWERS. dLEIVER USall formt he devil. in Jesus Christ name. Please destory the devils work oin our lives forver lORD. please do this for all people. IN Jesus Christ name I pray. pROTECT ALL MARRIAGES AS WELL AND RESTORE BROKEN marriages and relationship to christ centered love. Jesu please guid eme personally nd do the same for lal people. help my to foccos on servign youa nd seekign YOu and do the same for all people. Please guide all peopel to do Your Will. IN Jesus Christ name i pra.y To HIm bea ll the glory.LOrd with You all thisngs are possible. Help me to be foud of YOu LOrd Jesus and all people. and may we be glad at YOur coming. Prepare us for that day adn brign joy to our hearts when seeking you. Please in Jesus Christ name i pray. Thank you all for praying with me. Please pray in agreement to our LORd ocncernign these prayer requests lifted to God our Father in Jesus Christ name, our LORd and Saviour of all mankind.