Prayer Warrior
Please pray for my depression. I have had to increase my antidepressant dose. I started to get angry about childhood events again and I kept getting a feeling of hopelessness. Also started getting guilt about bad decisions I made in the past. Like being in a trance at times. Lack of concentration. Difficulty finding words to speak like brain is slowed down. Lack of energy very slowed down. Finding it hard to move. Lack of emotion. Occasional fear I am turning bad. Hard to even take care of myself just doing the basics. Kept praying. Have improved a bit now. Concentration improved and speech normal again tonight went out of the house I know some may disagree with me for taking antidepressants but I have had depression all my life. It is genetic. Both my parents have it and I think my dad, my brother and me all have some form of undiagnosed autism. I was sexually abused just after my 10th birthday. Didn’t realise it was abuse and blamed myself and eventually dumbed it down as ‘just a game’ (of course it wasn’t for the other person as they were too old for pretend boyfriend girlfriend games) and to feel less guilty then it eventually blocked it out of my mind. My depression got worse after this started getting OCD. My home life was hard lots of arguements. Chronic illness began at age 13. At age 14 started to wish I was dead. Not long after I started my period at age 15 I had a nervous breakdown where I had delusions that came and went. Age 16 a more severe breakdown with delusions and suicidal thoughts most of the time, lost a lot of weight, didn’t take care of myself. Started to take an overdose but belief in God stopped me. I had no professional help during this time. I let the school believe it was just exam stress because I didn’t feel like I could say all the things in my mind. In reality I was so ill I no longer cared about exams I just wanted the pain and guilt to stop. On the penultimate day of school I went with my friend to buy a cowgirl scarf to wear for the last day and it was warm sunny weather and I started to rationalise my thoughts and feel hope. I went home and cooked a meal, had an early night. Got out of bed early, had a shower, changed my bedsheets and put on makeup. Got through the last day relieved to leave a place that reminded me of trauma. behind me. Got boyfriend when I was at sixth form then depression came back and he sexually assaulted me. I have had full blown psychosis once when I had a life threatening illness which tipped depression over the edge.