Beloved of All
Please pray for my brother to completley restored to health inthe name of the LORD Jesus Christ. He has an eating disorder and only eats in the hospital and has gotten skinny. its been liek this for a year. He just got marrie dtwo days ago.Please LORD send he,lp to this marrie dcuple. Send help to my brother lORD: HOly spirit. LORD Jesus Send true help yo my brothe ris eating again and also heal my dad who is homeless. KEEP the weathe rwarm in their locatuion. Jesus Reval yourself please to lal my fmaily memebrs. save uf heal us. LORD jEsus help us to turnt o you and seek you with all our hearts. please not out of fear but out of joy. I need you LORD topelase heal my grandma of osteoporois andmy other grandma of stroke. Please heal my moms periodontosis diseas eand her hear, heal my dads body too and my y tonsils. Jesus help my to prais eoyu inthsi strom . Help us not to doubt your goodness. LORD Jesus help us financially. Help my brother eat LORd. Please I rebuke and curse of evil on my brothe rin Jesus Chris tname. I rebuke all evil in my brothers life and soul in Jesus Christ name. LORd Jesu heal him by your bloood. By YOur HOly blood. Heal Eilene of cancer LORD Jesus Christ, pelase heal the cause of B'c hronic fatigue, and please hela my depression that cripples me, Please heal All those who are suffering caus eof an attack - all chrisitnas suffeirng persecution LORD rescue them. HeavenlY Father rescue us all... We need help. Deliver us form the power of Satan and turn us all to serve the lvig God out of a pure heart. LORD save my brother now. May He belive in Jesus Chris tnow. Delive rmne of my pride. Save my brtoher. heal him. And heal my dad too and save him. Protect him. Please LORd giv emy brother supernatually the nutrition he needs, the neerghy he needs, give him strength through Christ. LORd Giv ehim hop in YOu LORD Jesus Christ. Giv emy brothe rhope in YOu LORd Jesus Christ. Today, I ask OYu please delive rmy dad form homlessness, you please hela my brother of this eating disorder for YOUR glory, by YOur power int he name of the LORd Jesus Christ. Jesus pleas eset him free of this eating disroder. pelase forgiv ehis sins, Forgive all our sinds, set us foree formt he lie sof the deivl. Please hel my rbother by YOur Son the LORd Jesu Chris tnow. Please Heal him now form all fear and deliver him from all evil spirit snow int he name of the LORD Jesu Christ. PLease take awya ll the vil spirits tormenting my brothe rirgh tnow int he name of the lORD Jesu Christ- LEt not satan kill, hurt or destor my brother or an yof my fmaily memebr sor anyone ont he planet in Jesus Christ name . LORd Jesus send oyur HOly spirit on all my fmaily member smay we belivei n the MOst High the LORd Jesus Christ wiht no doubt in oru heart. Jesus work a miracl ein my brother slife today. All prais eglory hnour is YOurs. YOu have the power to set my brother free from this eating disorder. Save my brother form the hadns of the devil LORd Jesu cHRIAst. Giv emy brother a sound mind. dont let the eating disorder spirit reenter him or anyone ever agian. Please LOrd protect him from harm and HEAL and deliver lal those tormenete dby evil spirits. IN Jesus Chris tname. Please lORd hela my brother for your glory. LORd pelase please please Jesus heal him. Jesus giv emy brother life. Please heal all people who have a eating disorder. LORd you healed my eatign disorder. Pleaseheal my brothe rof his eating disorder. Please take away his fears. Lord take away the devils lies out of his mind about eating and take away all the fear sin his mind that he will have an allergiv reation. Jesus save my brother. Please svae haim. Help him eat. for YOUr glory. LORd Jesus HEal my brothe rpelase do it now. I rebuke all evil toward smy brother. I rebuke all evil towards my brothe rin Jesus Chirst name. LOrd Jesu touch HIma n heal his body. I lov ehim he is my brothe rHEal my brothe rin Jesus Chris tname. Please LORd Jesus please heal my brother IN Jesus Chris tname. LOrd Jesus I plac emy brothe irn YOur care. save him. giv ehim YOur salvation . Heal my brtohe rnow in Jesus Chris tname. Help him eat now. Giv ehim the desire to eat healhty food. Save him LORD touch his mind. Giv ehim asound mind. PLase also heal hisbody restor ehis body heal him LORD Jesu please otuch him brain heal hi. Please keep all evil far form him. Jesus save his mind heal hi. Save HIm LORd Jesus . Please hela him of all his hurts, all his, pain. Save his life here on earth too and touch him. heal HIm LORd Jesus Christ. Toucch Him with YOur lOVe LORd Jesus. Help my brother to seek YOu LORD. save HIm. Lord jesu him help my brother. Ims o sorry for huritng him. Please heal my brother. Jesus please hela him of his eating diroder now. Please LOrd Jesu wash him by YOur blood. Hela him by YOur stripes. Do everythign in YOur power. LORD PLEASE GIVE MY BROTHER FAITH IN YOUR LORD JESUS CHRIST: GIVE EVERYONE FIATHIN YOU LORD JESUS CHRIST SO WE ALL MAY LIVE PLEASE: HEAL US ALLLLLLLLPlease pray that he eats and stops drinkign cocal cola. PLease it sbeen almost one year. He is skinny. Im sad. PLease brothers and sisters Christ please pray my brothe ris delivered of all the demosn that prevent him from eating as the LORD would want him to. IN Jesus Chris tname I pray.
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