Dear God in heaven,
Please hear my prayer: It has been 5 days and I have not heard from my beloved boyfriend. I have not been able to eat sleep or think and my heart mind and soul are diluted in tears. He emailed me and said that he is not depressed but just dealing with issues that he needed to iron out himself. He apologized for emailing instead of calling and promised that he would call yesterday but he did not. I have called him many times and he has not answered. This is so out of character for him to just stop communication for me; everything between us has been blessed and wonderful and I cannot understand why he is doing this. Please god I am begging you to make it be so that he calls me today, that I see him today, that everything between us be okay and that HE IS OKAY. I don't know what to do. My heart is breaking as I love him so very much and I pray and pray and KNOW you can hear me praying for him, for us but I have still had to cry and endure sleepless nights for days. I want to just drive to his home and knock on his door so that I can be assured he is okay. You brought us together GOD please help us. As my beloved boyfriend always says to me, 'God lead me to you and I know we will never lead each other astray with his blessing.' Please GOD I am begging that you please make it be so that he calls me, we see each other today and that everything between us is fine, that any and all issues he is experiencing are healed by your benevolent light, grace and power. He has restored my utmost faith in prayer, dear God and I know you can hear me. Please make this right and allow for us to be together today in bliss and happiness. Please my beautiful fellow praying friends, tell me should I go to his home and see him? I am at an utter loss for what to do because in my heart of hearts and depths of my soul I know this issue he is experiencing is not about us. I know this, I know this god, but at this time it is affecting his sensibilities and he is shutting me out completely. Please god, hear my cries. I have already forgiven him for ignoring and not contacting me, dear god. I understand, love, cherish and am there for him as he has always been there for me. Please help. Please.
Please hear my prayer: It has been 5 days and I have not heard from my beloved boyfriend. I have not been able to eat sleep or think and my heart mind and soul are diluted in tears. He emailed me and said that he is not depressed but just dealing with issues that he needed to iron out himself. He apologized for emailing instead of calling and promised that he would call yesterday but he did not. I have called him many times and he has not answered. This is so out of character for him to just stop communication for me; everything between us has been blessed and wonderful and I cannot understand why he is doing this. Please god I am begging you to make it be so that he calls me today, that I see him today, that everything between us be okay and that HE IS OKAY. I don't know what to do. My heart is breaking as I love him so very much and I pray and pray and KNOW you can hear me praying for him, for us but I have still had to cry and endure sleepless nights for days. I want to just drive to his home and knock on his door so that I can be assured he is okay. You brought us together GOD please help us. As my beloved boyfriend always says to me, 'God lead me to you and I know we will never lead each other astray with his blessing.' Please GOD I am begging that you please make it be so that he calls me, we see each other today and that everything between us is fine, that any and all issues he is experiencing are healed by your benevolent light, grace and power. He has restored my utmost faith in prayer, dear God and I know you can hear me. Please make this right and allow for us to be together today in bliss and happiness. Please my beautiful fellow praying friends, tell me should I go to his home and see him? I am at an utter loss for what to do because in my heart of hearts and depths of my soul I know this issue he is experiencing is not about us. I know this, I know this god, but at this time it is affecting his sensibilities and he is shutting me out completely. Please god, hear my cries. I have already forgiven him for ignoring and not contacting me, dear god. I understand, love, cherish and am there for him as he has always been there for me. Please help. Please.