Disciple of Prayer
I just had my baby 6 weeks ago. I had my husbands family visit in the hospital the day after. I didn’t want visitors as I did not feel great, but I did it to appease my husband. He was excited to show his baby. 1 week postpartum was thanksgiving, I had postpartum hypertension that got really bad, almost had to go to the ER 3 days postpartum, had to rush back to my doctors office and get medication etc. The medication made me very sick. I did not feel great and was sore, bleeding. I was basically forced to go to thanksgiving with my 1 week old infant, both of us in a diaper, as my mother in law insisted on seeing my infant. I went.i didn’t want to go, I really wanted to stay home and rest and recover without visitors, but I went. I did not have a great time, my baby was cluster feeding and I had to spend a large amount of time in the back room trying to breastfeed and then come back out and let my husbands family have my infant, and repeat over and over. After we left, my mother in law pestered my husband about when we will be over again so she can see the baby. We went again on Christmas where my constant breastfeeding and my baby needing to nap clearly annoyed my husbands mother. She kept trying to wake up my newborn to interact with her, when my newborn really only is awake to eat and then she goes back to sleep. My husbands brother was extremely sick with a fever, cough, sore throat so he didn’t come, however he was there earlier in the day before we showed up and she didn’t tell us and later she allowed him into the house while we were still there, after she kissed and touched my 5 week old infant. Theres no handwashing before she is touched and she goes to crowded places frequently. The next day she demanded we all go to dinner 45 minutes away in a crowded restaurant at 8pm which I did not attend for obvious reasons which annoyed her. My baby is now showing some possible signs of congestion and I’m a panicked wreck. What if she is sick now.i stay home with my baby and don’t go or take her anywhere crowded to protect her, she’s only been to doctors office and the grocery store where I hold her the entire time and don’t touch anything. My husbands mother is now messaging my husband that I have to pump and we have to leave my infant with her and go do something somewhere else because she needs “alone time” with the baby and she’s available this weekend. My husband knows I don’t want to be away from her as I made that clear before any of this was even an expectation. She’s 6 weeks old. I have no intention of leaving my exclusively breastfed infant right now, and I don’t pump. I have enough anxiety over their disregard for her safety as it is. Unfortunately my husband is scared of disappointing his mother and generally feels he needs to do whatever she says even if it affects his marriage. He feels he needs to “choose” to either disappoint his wife or his mother. His mother is over involved in our affairs. We’re moving soon, my husband got an amazing job offer and it was brought to my attention that I am blamed for “influencing her son” to move, which is not true at all. I’m getting the feeling I am not liked which gives me even more stress and the fact that I won’t leave my baby alone right now is going to further cause issues when she is made aware. Please, please pray my baby is healthy and safe. Please if you can, pray a little extra and a little longer that she is healthy and safe, she means the world to me and I am desperate and need help. I would do anything for this baby. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Please also pray my boundaries are respected. I don’t want to be separated from my infant right now. The constant pestering makes me not ever want to go over there. Please pray my husband learns to stand up for himself, his baby and his wife. Anytime my husband tries to set a boundary she gets annoyed and makes passive aggressive and sarcastic comments. Please pray my baby is healed immediately. I can’t lose her, I’m devastated she might be sick in this season of viral illnesses going around. It’s 3 am and I cannot sleep as I am so incredibly worried