pleas ehal the bleedign in brian heal the brian giv them oxyegn in brian and heart i speak ivfe over them the powe rof oru LOrd if mos tpowerful. Lord Jesus Christ giv ehtem yourr total healign salvaiton in everyway. May your power if oyua re willign heal them and save them do allinyourpower to do so . please destroy the devils power over them. be glorified. i also pra yina greement for toal miracle restore dhealt ht to them, i plead the Hly blood upon them. wrap them in your lovign arms and cleanse them form all sick ness heal wha tneeds ot eb heaeld may oyu eb glorified in thename of the Lord Jesus Christ. thank oyu and praises to oyu Lord Jesus Chirst for beign their Lord Saviour Grea tPhyscian i ask in fuil agreement that you do a mrialc and save and restore them in your name Lor dby your power rapidsly speedily and powerfully. tnak you all glroy to your anme in the ameof the Lord Jesus Christ.