Prayer Partner
Please in the name of Jesus pray for me for the past 15 years i have been going through a problem called halitosis ( bad breath) it has ruined my life i have no one but Jesus i have been to the dentists and doctors only to be sent away to other doctors and i have spent over 10k dollars to find a cure and nothing is done i find myself in the position of the woman who suffered from haemorrhage in the bible and if i could touch Jesus myself i know i will be healed from this affliction, i have contemplated suicide as my career, relationships and even my faith have been torn away from me because of such a trivial issue i am in the depths of despair and i need your humble prayer, i have prayed to Jesus many times before and I begged him to answer me as to why am i suffering this way but i haven't got an answer, I'm so embarrassed even writing this but there is no where else to go but to Jesus Please Pray for me, god bless you and i love you guys