Humble Prayer Partner
Please Pray for me in the name of Jesus. I Thank Thee God for all Thou have done for me, and for keeping my family safe. I thank Thee for Thy mercies. Please God, please, please, I know Thou can work miracles and heal all illnesses. I beseech Thee Lord, please heal me. Please My Heavenly Father, I was cast into harm's way by my Physician, and those whom I asked for help did not help me. Please Lord God, I did not understand what I was to do. I understand now God, and beg for Thee to heal me, that I may help those in this world for whom life is difficult, Please, please help me to live in peace with my family, serving Thee in this world, and Glorifying Thy name. Please Almighty God, I truly believe that Thou can heal me of this dreadful illness. Please, please, please heal me, and make me a channel of Thy peace. Please my Lord God, please, keep me from harm tonight, and if it is Thy will, and I Pray that it pleases Thee, heal me as I sleep. Please Lord, I made a mistake which harmed only myself. Please Lord God, I did my best, but it was not enough. Please my Lord, I beseech Thee, by Thy Grace, grant me the chance to try again. I have learned now about my illness, and know what to do. I did not understand what to do Lord God. I cannot forgive myself for my actions, I need Thy forgiveness and assistance Lord, please, please help me. Please Almighty God, without Thy help, I am lost. Please God in Heaven, I beg Thee, please help me, that I may serve Thee in this world. This I Pray In Jesus' Holy name. All Thanks be to God. Amen.