Humble Prayer Partner
Please Pray this in Jesus' name. Almighty God, Please, please, I beg You, please heal me. Please Lord, I have been stupid in my eating habits, and am wholly repentant. I wish with all my heart that I had not eaten as I did. Please God, please,I am begging for just one more chance. I had a sickness of the mind and over ate for many years. I had an illness which caused weight gain to make me very ill, but did not know. Please God, I truly believe that You can heal me in this world. Please Lord, please, there are evil people in this world who are perfectly healthy, please do not take me from my family just because I have been greedy and stupid. Every night I Pray that You will heal me as I sleep, but every morning I awaken to find that I am still very sick. Please God, please, my illness is my own fault, and I am begging You to please heal me. I wish to devote my life to helping the poor and the needy and the homeless, but I cannot do any of those things without the ability to walk and move properly. Please my God, I truly believe in Your healing power, and am begging You to please heal me and allow me the chance to help other people. Please God, please, I need You. I know that there are things which happen and cannot be explained by medicine or science. Please Lord God, I Pray that You, my Heavenly Father, will see how desperately I need You, and show Mercy by healing me in this world. Please My Lord, please, please, heal me. I will never eat too much food ever again, and will in future, if You show Mercy by healing me in this world, ensure that other people have enough to eat, and can feed their children. Please God, please, please, I beseech You, please heal me. Please Lord God, I am terrified by the thought of leaving my family, and regret every wrong thing I have ever eaten. I should have always eaten less, and helped other people much more often than Indid. Please God, help me, heal me, please I beg You.