Faithful Servant
Please pray for me to never lose my job. Please pray for me to never get any customer complains because my patients see that I have done my best with all the refraction and measurements for them. Please pray for me to be wise and accurate when doing my refraction and measurements. Please pray for me to always have a pure and clean heart. Please pray for all my patients to see that I am only doing and trying to give what is best for their condyand nit because I want to sell expensive Items to them. Please pray for me to be able to really care and help my parents see better. Please pray for all my children to be safe and healthy. Please pray for me and my husband to be healthy and safe to reach old age and to be able to guide pur children. Please pray for all my children to be able to finish college. Please pray for me to always have enough money to pay for our needs. Please pray for all the malicious and hurtful people around me to disappear. Please pray for all the people who wants me to fail to have a change of heart and help me succeed instead. Please pray for all my friends to be healthy and safe. Please pray for all my famiky members to be healthy and to be happy. Please pray for mhordie balahiw to have safe operation and rrecover soon. Please pray for his accommodations for his operation. Please pray for my husband and I to stay loyal and faithful to each other. Please pray for me and my husband to stay away from any temptations. Please pray for my husband to be able to find a stable income here at home so that he doesnβt need to go abroad to provide for us. Please pray for my mother to be healthy. Please pray for me to always have a lot of sales whenevr and wherever I am on duty. Please pray for me to be able to let people see that God blesses the works of the hands who works hard. Please pray for me to help people see that God helps his children not because of power and strength but because we rely on God to become better people. Please pray for my husband to never betray me. Please pray for all the people around me to always see my sincerity and not judge me because of how I look or speak. Please pray for me to always have a true heart and mind