Lord Jesus, we ask that You will Open up Doors of Good Employment Immediately* for All of Us who are seeking Work/ Employment. You know each of our needs, and they are all different, but we all need Employment! We are Your children, and are our Father, and we know that You love us, and only want the very best for us.
Let those who are in the positions of power to Hire Who See Our Resumes or Applications Instinctively Know to Pick Us for the great positions they have available and then Let Them Hire Us! Lord, You know that We are far from perfect, but we Promise You that We will make You, and Our New Bosses very proud and happy that They Picked and Hired Us, and We will Always give You Glory and Honor for Helping us get a great work position. Thank You, Jesus, for having Your angels help us, and intercede for us! In Jesus Name. Amen.