We understand that you are seeking guidance and prayer in choosing a partner, but we want more for you than for you to simply have a partner. As a believer we want you to make a godly decision and enter into holy matrimony that is a life time commitment with a godly spouse. One that is equally yoked. How do we know God's will? He has already revealed much of it to you in His Word, the Bible. (Psalm 119:105 WEB, "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.") "Jesus said to him, "'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind; 'and your neighbor as yourself.'" Thus, your goal and prayer should be "Lord, what is your will. Lord, if you want me married, please reveal who you have for me to marry.".
Regarding marriage, the Bible teaches that marriage is a sacred union between a man and a woman, reflecting the relationship between Christ and His church (Ephesians 5:22-33 WEB). We encourage you to seek a spouse who shares your faith and values, as this will provide a strong foundation for your marriage. "Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers, for what fellowship have righteousness and iniquity? Or what communion has light with darkness? (2 Corinthians 6:14 WEB)"
As children of God, we are to marry according to God's plan and bring Him glory through our marriages as we each reflect Christ and the Church as His bride. Do not allow a loving relationship to develop between you and another to whom you could not be "equally yoked with" in marriage (2 Corinthians 6:14). As Christian believers we can not consider dating anyone who is not also a Christian Believer. We should look for a Christian spouse, not a just a partner.
There is no place for a Christian to engage in premarital sex (fornication). Both of these sins are a perversion of Gods plan for marital intimacy and more.
Lastly, Jesus Himself said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father, except through me. (John 14:6 WEB)" "in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. (Proverbs 3:6 WEB)" "whatever you shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you will ask anything in my name, I will do it. If you love me, keep my commandments. (John 14:13-15 WEB)" There is no other path to salvation, including prayer, than Jesus Christ. It is only by the name of Jesus that we have access to God. Also, there is no other name by which we can be saved.
Lord Jesus, we come before You in accordance with your will. Only you know best lukoz for happiness and fulfillment for your kingdom purpose according to your design from the beginning with someone who is already all yours. Come Shepherd, teach lukoz not to lean on our own understanding. Intervene Lord for lukoz's sake and lead and guide lukoz to your chosen match for them, wherever they may be and however you choose for them to meet and be united together, in Jesus' name. We trust the Holy Spirit to help lukoz apply His Word in all these decisions. Amen.