Please pray for people to turn to GOD . The one true God and his son Jesus . Please pray that RKM dentist in Livingston Parish Louisiana April 12th 2022 at 10:30 is my appointment time and date and that they can help me with my teeth. I don't care about looks I just want them to be able to help me . The pain is so bad it's causing me to have a headache. Please pray I need help with my teeth and the pain also to be fixed and I know GOD can do anything but fail and I know prayers help, please pray that my puppy HOPE boxer puppy January 22nd 2022 gets potty trained . Please pray for my husband Aaron Daniel Ware he screams and yells and its like if I just say how is your day he gets furious . There are times I feel like I need to kill myself but that wouldn't do anything good for my 2 kids who are alyssa grace lafitte she is 11 she needs prayers to . She dosent want to go to Church and i do ,she wants to wear all black at times , she can't get along with her kids her age , she gets in trouble at school alot and GOD can help her I know he can, my son Alex Giovanni lafitte needs prayer his starting to show alot of anger and slams doors and talks back , my dad that he believes in GOD his name is Robert Terry lafitte , please pray for the teachers, students ,staff, college students ,staff, and students that they turn to GOD and teach about the True meaning of JESUS and not about evolution or scientology , please pray the students and staff will also turn to Jesus and bring faith hope love joy peace to each other , please pray we speak life to each other as a family and those who aren't family . That we love and show love to others and that we alwas forgive each other and others as well, please pray for those who are struggling addictions , having financial issues,job issues, family issues, those battling mental illnesses that we all help others and try to pray for those all over the world that they get to know GOD and his son JESUS and have a good Christian life, please pray for those who are working at hospitals , rehabilitation centers , those working at dentist offices, those who are chiropractors, those who are Staff working those places and doctor offices and endocrinologist, and rehab places for the staff and patients and cardiologist dr and staff and patients that they turn to GOD and ask for forgiveness and get saved , please pray for the doctors I left out and staff and patients that they ask for forgiveness but first that they seek GOD , please pray for those who are gangsters that they turn to GOD ask for forgiveness and get saved , and those who are in gangs that they too ask for forgiveness and seek GOD First and then get saved , those who are dying , those who work at the court system the judge the jury the one who committed a crime and the staff and cops and first responders and those running foster homes , shelters for family's and animals that the staff patients all seek GOD and ask for forgiveness and get saved , please pray for those who are going through abuse mental or physical or both that the one doing the abusing and the one going through abuse also turn to seek GOD ask for forgiveness and get saved and that GOD will help them figure stuff out , please pray for me I am.going through mental abuse and it's hard and I rely on God to help me but I know I need prayers also . I get tired weak scared of the abuse , my kids alyssa and Alex lafitte 11 and 9 also get abused from my husband and we need more JESUS and HELP , please pray for those running abortion clinics their staff , adoption family's, patients staff those running bars and clubs that they SHUT down and turn to GOD and ask for forgiveness and get saved , please pray for the farmers that they also seek GOD ask for forgiveness and that they thank GOD for their fruits and vegetables that they plant grows and their livestock multiply and do good and do good for others , please pray their family and friends do the same , please pray for the churches,jails all over the world that they turn to GOD seek GOD ask for forgiveness and get saved and turn away from bad stuff , please pray for the cops, soldiers, paramedics ,the military departments those who are Staff and people that they seek GOD ask for forgiveness and get saved . And pray for people to stop being gay God does not approve of that and that they turn to GOD seek GOD ask forgiveness and get saved, please pray for those actors ,actresses,libraries,politicians that they all seek GOD ask for forgiveness and get saved, please pray for those who are poor that they don't give up and that they seek you to the fullest seek GOD and ask for forgiveness and get saved , please pray for the doctors staff patients who are doing or wanting a sex change that they seek GOD and ask forgiveness and get saved , please pray for those who are running bars clubs prostitution sex trafficking that they all persue GOD shut down and ask for forgiveness and get saved, please pray we don't go through the mark of the beast , or getting chips implanted please pray GOD doseent make us go through that at all, please pray the people who are worshipping the Wrong GOD, witchcraft, ouija boards, sacrificing, spells,magic, psychics, those who are worshipping the Wrong GOD that they turn to GOD seek GOD ask forforgiveness and get saved , please pray for this site for all the spoken and unspoken requests and those who are workers at malls stores that they all seek GOD and ask for forgiveness and get saves, and I'm sorry that I haven't been on here for a while just I'm going through alot with my husband being mean and my kids getting angry also , please pray for the world to seek GOD and ask for forgiveness and get saved and that we all speak life love and forgive and not judge . Pray for anyone I left out and just pray they seek JESUS and ask for forgiveness and get saved. Love you all and I'm praying for yall.