Beloved of All
My fiance will be 65 this year and I will be 64. We both have been retired since 2016. We each live in our own homes. We both lost our previous spouses. I have no children and he has 5 adult children; 4 of which were foster care children that were adopted as babies or toddlers. The 2 adult children that have never moved out were adopted and coddled and the only 2 that were homeschooled part of their lives. The adult children that live at home are 28 and 22 years old and both can live on their own but my fiance enables them. Neither one drives. The 28 year old has worked a full time job that pays well for the past 5 years. Why he's not on his own I don't understand. The 22 year graduated from technical college with an Associate Degree in Culinary Arts. Her last day of school was 12-18-2024. She supposedly has applied for jobs but hasn't gotten one in the past 3 months. She has never worked a day in her life and my fiance pays for everything for her. Neither one pays rent and they both are slobs and my fiance allows all of this. They are using my fiance to the max, and I wouldn't put up with any of this nor do I know of any woman that would. He assumed his now 22 year old daughter was going to live with us after we were going to get married over 3 years ago but I cancelled our wedding and said I would marry him when these adult kids move out. We have been engaged 5 years and 3 months, and he doesn't see that he puts these kids first over me. I'm on Social Security and not financially supporting any adult child. That's their responsibility. We were engaged 3 years when his daughter decided to go to technical college, and he allowed her to do this and paid for her schooling and took her back and forth to school. These kids know they are holding up our marriage and demonstrate that they could care less. My fiance sets no boundaries with them and buys all 3 of them carry out meals twice a day, 7 days a week. My fiance and I go to a Baptist church every week, we also go to a senior Bible study twice a month, and we are involved in a Life Group with other believers who are retired and traveling and enjoying their retirement. These kids that live in this Christian home don't go to church. He won't go for counseling. We both told these kids we want to get married this year, and they have to move out but my fiance isn't doing anything to get them on their own. I think this is very disrespectful to me and dishonoring to God especially when it comes to training up his children in the way of the Lord. The 22 year old seems to have autistic tendencies but he and his wife enabled her and never disciplined her and never got her formally diagnosed so she could have gotten the help she was entitled to. I think she is a high functioning autistic but because my fiance has enabled her, I don't know if she'll ever be independent and that is a parents' responsibility to prepare them to be on their own because one day their dad will die and they will have to learn how to be independent. I have told my fiance how wrong all of this was and such a disservice to his kids as well as to us. My love for him is much more than what he has for me but I feel I can't live without him and always trusted him when he told me his kids are normal and can live on their own. He tells me he loves me and talks about selling his home and moving into mine. It seems like it is all talk and no action.