Say like this: Every spirit of not enough, every curse of poverty i bind you and curse you and send you forever into the pit in Jesus name. I call on myself a favor and blessing of God. I proclaim that i am blessed by God and prosperous. I receive unexpected checks in the mail, gifts and help from friends and unknown people. Gods favor and blessing follows me whereever i go. I fiind money everywhere i go. I find money even on the streets in Jesus name. I am joyfull and full of expectancy in Jesus name. I am positive and optimistic in Jesus name. I am the leader of the house and i am a leader on work. I am bold and open. I know that Jesus stands behind me and support me in everything i do. My hands are blessed and prosperous. My mind is full of original ideas. I am happy and joyfull. I have a private business of my dreams/ a job of my dreams. Everything i touch prospers. My mind and my spiritual womb are gold mines. I am successfull in everything i do. I am a money magnet. I am an excellent money manager. I always have more then enough. My wallet is full of money. I am succeeding. I will succeed. Nobody and nothing will stop me. I am invincible. The ennemy cannot beat me. I jump over obstacles and leap over walls. My feet are like hinds feet. My life is comfortable, smooth and easygoing. Money just falls into my lap. My banc accounts are full of money. I have always a positive banc balance on all of mine banc accounts (and my wife). I am debt free. All my debts are erased by the blood of Jesus. The miracoulous debt cancellation happens just right now in my life, in Jesus name. I speak only positive words and that which is for edification of the hearer. I am the hearer to, when i am speaking. So i watch my words. I do not bind my self and my success, money and possible opportunities with negative words or curses and unbeleif. I reject any worry, anxiety, unbelief, doubt, negative thinking, any curses or witchcraft connected to my financial prosperity in Jesus name. I am the head and not the tail, i am above only and never beneath, i am the first and not the last, i am the victor and not the victim, i am blessed and not cursed, in Jesus name. I am more then overcomer. Thanks be to God who always gives me the victory through my Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
This was a prayer declaration only for you led by the spirit. God bless you. Read this daily (aloud and bold) and then pray your personal prayer. Command, bind, loose, destroy, create, be the creator with the words, like God was. Let there be light, Morris said, and there was light, in Jesus name. Avoid religious prayers when you are not sure if God wil fullfill your needs or not, God IS good, he will do it, every promise has its yes and amen, pray with certainty that you will receive answers, find promises of God that support your needs and wishes and stand on them daily. In Jesus name, amen.