Faithful Servant
Please pray for me hours getting cut again n John ( boss comes in n say I should be getting full time hours but my boss like to play favorite soon I well find out if I am getting hours cut again like 3 hrs which I think it not fair Marco ( John boss think I am awesome cleaner n I am a strong back bone for Kohl’s at lease I have him on my side so I guess I well wait n see I express my feelings n make it clear if I go down to 3 I well be force to go get another job I don’t care what anyone say I deserve better I am hurting No one is not in my shoes Thanks to Marco for being my cheerleader n letting me know I am apriated n you apriated my hard work I know what best for me these short shift no work n small pay check aren’t doing me any
I’m glad they let datoka go I’m here to go my job not no one else I can’t sit around waiting to get that call to work im refuse to sit at home n be depressed prayer a job would come my way