Beloved of All
please pray for me as my life has spiralled downhill by bad choices. los tmy temper fought wiht my siste rin law and brother i am abad caregiver to my grasndma as im battlign wiht own illness . im trying har dbut but no haivn gfriends or any support is hard i hate mysef and odnt even knwo how to turn back to the Lord. please Lord help me to jsut accept the los tyou have given me in my life .i prayayo u pleas eha my grandm and help me do all the cleanign you require. dleiver me form unsoudn mind adn feelign so down on mysle fhelp me to care fo rmy grand m ana dmy mom and myself. help me to honour you and not dishounour YOu Lord. hlep me to acceopt that this is my lot oin life. please do allinyur power to support caregivrs who ar eundersupported so are aloen and no one cares abot them so they do not get sikc like me so they do not feel ignored like i do. help me to face the taks you give me and deliver me form type 1 diabetes and dleiver me form all the weakness i feel the lonliness the resnement adn releace peace between me and my siste rin law and brother and neice. im sorry for beign follish. im tired of beign tired nd os alone. heal my moms brian. heal my depression lakc of motivation. please giv eme osmething to look forward to the all . help me in nay way oyu cNA HELP AL PEOEL HELA MY DADS HEART VALVE GIVE HIMT E OXYGEWN HE NEEDS.