Beloved of All
please pray for me and my family salvaitn and healign in Christ so i canget matress fo rmy grandma . i am VEry ill from type 1 diabetes and i jsut cant seem to get better. the fight is hard . the symptoms are anighmare and diabetes insipidus is hard. pelas pray God ahvs compassiona nd heals my body i have anxiety botu it and my grandma has similar thing. iaks God to giv em em more faiht.its been manyears also my da dneed healign in heart valve and hav ebetter oxygen and also dleiveranc eofrm homlessnes and emotional helaign. i need helaign form depression and my mom need halign in her brian and all fmialy nned hjelaign in out bodies brothe rneed dleiverance form metbaloic acidosis. please also Lor dleiver B form smoking and alchahualism and also hsi salvation i pra he beocems born again Chrisitna dand if he is NO t my husband HGod make sit clear to me who IS and help ms be patirent :lrod peprare me and my hubby tobeme one heal us and us us for oyur glory . May He be faihtful to YOu Lord and ot me. protecthim form evil and make sur eHe is alwaqys in your WWIll. Lor dhelp the man do a miralce job for my grandmas mobile bed may it be easy for me to slide my grandmsa onto the sunning bed. Lor donly allow me to purchase waht you want me to purchase onien. help me clean showe and bathroom and also tha ti dotn kill any spider. Lor dhela my eyes form diabetes. Lord heal my momf orm autism. heal all who need helaign form asperger syndorem heal my brothers brian too. Lor dplease gudie me into alltruth ocncenrign this diabete shtign. i need you to guid eme Lor dliek never before. Pleas ehal myy grandmas veins arterieis blood vessels giv eher excellent vasodilation heal her ofrm cross syndorme small bwle obstruciton syndroem malnutriton viitmin deficiencies deformities and dehydraiotn.d leive rmy fmaiyl form all dehdration. Pleas elidr s form periodontsis disease. please gudie all epoepl concenirng us wiht oyu rholy psiit help me clena help me do aeveryhitng i feel so stressed and epressed pelase help me have stranght today and dleiver me and all peopel form dehydraitn.pleas epelas eprotect me my whoel fmaily B as well hel his hear tand Γ©relmeszeszedΓ©s. Lor dgiv e all my fmialy your salvaiton. heal Vil brian and cochlechialism hela his bod ybrian form all sutism.please send holy angels otmisniter to me and all my fmialy mmebrs all dsides protect us form evil evil doers dleive rus form all evil diseases protect and dlieve rusform all idols fals eways help us experience and knwo your kLordve Lord Jesus Christ help me clena this house.pelas eprivide est wisodm to allepoel guide us wihtoyur holy spiti keep us in your Will and dleive rus form the deiv in every wa.y please help al onthis site heal them strrnghtne them and dleiver htem form al er eveil and falso God. protect my fmail and all peopelf orm heall strange marriage adultery allunclena spirits keepus in your Hoyl perfect Will no matter what and help us od oyur Will. Lor dprotect all peopel especially my fmaily form all manner of evil aciident disease clamities and war. please take away all phobias of mine germs szilΓ‘nk cornaphobia and bitter ofver men and my life. dleive rmy my whole fmaily ofrm all bitterness and negativ eattitude and depresisona dn axienty. help the men do the WIll of God and the woemn too. please brign jsutivce ot poower and need sin all coutnries. please guide all poeple in authority with oyur Holy spiit . dtn allow anony to abuse others or make ad decisions. protec tlal peopel and dleiver all peopel form diabetes type 1 tyep2 diabetes insipidus all forms of insulin too hihg or inulin insensitviity. please heal my of all insilin abnormalities and ake sur emy bdoy produces excleltn insisiulin i pray htis for my grandma to adn all epoel. thnak you for your healign touches even now. i praise YOu Lord. help me to seek oyu wiht all my heart. heal M as well adn his lfi ehelp him an gudi ehim wiht oyur Holy spirit. Lor dif you ahve ahusband for me help mhim find me recognie me pursue me and help me recogize him via Holy spirit. thanky ou Lor dint henameof the Lord jues Chris.t pleas ehal my brothers back and also M and aloBs finger and heal my mosm teeht. help my relative make wisd echoiseds and crave healhty food. Iprais eoyu and thnaky ou for oyur provision helaign an dhelp Lord thnak you for beign inmy life. pleas eprotec tmydad hwile drivign and give him clear vision of you Lord the raosd and also all poepls priritize in serivng you. thnak youLor idnt henamef othe Lord Jeus chirst. giv eme clenaign wisdom and desire to clena diapers too. giv e my grandma miralc ehelaign of demntia and digestiv eissues hihg blos suga rhigh blood pressure strngthen and hel her hear giv eher merry heart. please help me clena bathrooma dn diapers. thanky ou Lord.