Tiffy Taffy
Humble Servant of All
I am getting irritated and impatient everywhere I ask, and I asked if they are hiring, they say no, and it's stressing me out. I haven't had a job interview in almost a year. Every time I applied, I get rejected or ghosted. I don't have any money left after I pay rent and bills; that's it until next month. Please pray that God and Jesus changes everyone's situation. And please pray that my family gets along with each other; it stresses me out when my family fights and argues and it reminds me of when my mom fought and argued when she was alive, and I feel like screaming and yelling. I'm done with it most of my life, and for 21 years since I was 25 almost 26, there was fighting, screaming, and yelling. My life was good until 21 years ago. The first 20 years of my life were alright, not good or bad, the last 20 years of my life were horrible. I was mistreated by everyone, even my mom and siblings, and we all deserve respect. I am very stressed that I can't find a job, my family plays favoritism, and I wasn't the favorite child. Family fighting and arguing, and me being alone and lonely. Please pray that God and Jesus changes our situation. I am mentally tired. Praying that God gives us what we need in Jesus' name. Amen 
