Disciple of Prayer
I made a terrible mistake on my job and the consequences could result in termination, or something more serious. I really feel bad about what I did and have asked God for forgiveness. This happened yesterday and so far, I haven't been called in the office yet by my principal but I have been replaced by another teacher for being a test proctor. Yesterday, I was a test proctor and did not read all the instructions to the students as they had already had numerous tests before the History EOC. This was mistake number one. Then, once testing was complete, they were allowed on their phones until the bell rings. That was mistake number two. Then I had someone to relieve me to go to the bathroom, they saw two students on cellphones and that's when it all happened. The principal got wind of what I did and I was called in the office on yesterday and given a verbal reprimand. I am not for sure what is to follow after that. This exam was 30 percent of the student's grades. All the students wrote what happened I am sure to cover their butts for having their cell phone out so, everything falls in my lap and I am not sure what is going to happen from here. Thanks for your prayers.