Beloved of All
Please pray for God Me satan gloria Jesus the Holy Ghost..This is my story: I moved into a brand new home, wooden floors all new appliances… Two days into my new home I woke one morning to find: scratches on the floor, walls ceilings doors appliances electronics bathroom bedroom kitchen laundry room closets all over the house… Then I remembered when I lived in another state how ever time I would buy any thing new clothes-shoes anything new when I go to put it on it would have a whole rip tare in it brand new…well, I used to serve satan and satan deemed me a witch and witchcraft roots voodoo is what satan wanted of me… But! Never was these names, BUT! I was this name cursed by these names; evelyn william beverly hammond katie smith curtis battle lynn hilton Ackerman wood mike woodard griffin wilson white carr e.presley baker jen joe tina janice phil robert doretha mike linda jealous friends enemies acquaintances strangers… AND GOD…One or all sent forth from their witchcraft ways to destroy all new things that I worked like a dog for or it was given to me without having sexual intercourse to receive… they even went to great lengths to steal everything I ever worked hard for everything I ever own they destroyed and stole left me with nothing.. Today as I write this prayer request, I just purchased my car brand new interior exterior About a week into it… scratches all over the console I go to sleep next day new scratches I rebuke God more scratches I rebuke Jesus more scratches I rebuke the Holy Ghost more scratches I rebuke satan greater scratches I rebuke the cemetery family plots urns gravesite caskets more more more scratches and then I wipe over the scratches ever greater than scratches… Can anyone would will read this prayer tell me why would God hurt me this way I have to nearly beg for this car in prayer prayer prayer and this cursed and it is God is telling satan to reveal my enemies but another demonic character MOCKERY IS GODS BE FRIEND THE DEAD ANGEL….and I ask this question: Is this God, why would He? Is this satan, Why would prayer not cast him and his carnal weapons out, in the name of Jesus? Is this witchcraft, why would God not cast out in the name of Jesus? A response is so needed… I took pictures wish I could show devastation of this brand new car and how after I find destruction; God death angel cursed demiser will say through satan; “I WILL NEVER DO THIS TO ANYONE ELSE.” after you buy your new car I will not left get him them they us we destroy your car..,