Humble Servant of All
Please pray for blessings for my daughter, husband, family, myself, my patients, my coworkers and my ward. Pray that we all are blessed with peace, love, safety and prosperity in all that we do
Pray for protection against all that is not from You, Lord! Pray that my daughter feels loved and safe! That I be blessed to be the mother she needs and deserve! Please guide me to talk to her about you, Jesus
And also in how I can do right by her and teach her what she needs as she is getting older
Please take my traumas, my triggers and my emotional reactions that are not of You from me
I can not do this life without You, Lord! I am so grateful for You coming back into my life this past year - You are everything to me and have saved me
Please, keep savibg me and keeping me safe
Please pray for my patients - that they all have a wonderful day
But especially one of them - let him be understood as the traumatized person he is. Melt everyones heart so they can meet him as he needs. Pray he is able to recieve the care and love, and is able to have a happy day. Let him feel safe
Help him find You - he has wounds of People who have claimed to be christian, who instead have abused him. It clouds his possibility to recieve talk of You, Lord