Please pray for me and my husband to start showing each other more love and affection towards each other. Also please pray that he shows me more attention and understands that I need that living attention from him. I pray that God just works on his heart and mind so I don't have to wake up each morning worrying if he's in a good mood or not. I pray that he wakes up this morning in a good mood and realizes how much he does love me and isn't grumpy. I feel like I'm put on the back burner ALL THE TIME. and what I want to talk about doesn't matter.. he has gotten better since I've been on this site and all you pray for us but I (we) do need additional prayers please. I also need prayers about my job. I pray that God brings me a better job that pays better or I get a great raise... I've been going through a lot at this job and don't get paid nearly enough I also need a grant or funds to start my own beauty shop or be a drug counselor. I feel it's my calling to help other people. But PLEASE PRAY FOR my husband to just be touched by God and him just be more sweet to me and realize my needs as a wife. Thank you all for taking the time out of your day to pray for me and my family. I pray for all of your families as well. Thank you Lord for all you have blessed me with and my children's health and keeping us all safe and I ask you to continue to keep your hedge of protection over us all. Please pray you keep us all together and safe and happy always. Please pray that you do take my addictions away from me. Although I've been clean for 10 years there are a couple of things I still need to stop. I put all this in your hands Lord because I trust you and thank you in advance for answering my prayers. You say if we ask you anything and truly believe and have faith you will answer our prayers. And Lord you know I believe and have faith Thank you in Jesus name I pray Amen.