Yom Kippur - Day of Atonement Yom Kippur is the day when the high priest could enter into the Holy of Holies and now that Messiah has died and the veil was torn and He is our high priest we too can have access every day it's something to remember and celebrate and it's a 25 hour fast. I am feeling quite down I got a message from a friend who saw a vision of me bound in heavy chains and she prayed for discernment and it's to do with tobacco specifically when I done a shaman ritual burying some tobacco and playing my drum to attract the spirits of the dead. I was schitzophrenic at the time and because Yahshua spoke to my spirit when He delivered me of heroin I thought it was still Him guiding me saying He was in all religions and He wanted me to be a shaman. I actually thought I was raising dead spirits and guiding them to salvation with our Messiah. I was deceived by evil spirits because my heart was not right and I was too rebellious and proud. I don't know how I am ever gonna get free but she also said my name is in the book of life I'm not sure how she can know that but I hope it's true. Please pray I can overcome the demonic oppression I am experiencing today and be ready to have a clean mind and do all the prayers and things for Yom Kippur. I always experience a great blessing when I keep the Biblical Holidays that Yah commands us to keep in the Bible. If anyone doesn't know and wants to find out you can go to the link to Hebrew4Christians it's a really great site for those who were ignorant of our Creators true ways like I was and I am learning a lot. May you all be blessed this Yom Kippur even if you don't want to keep it yet. Thanks so much for praying Yah bless you