Beloved of All
please pray fo rmy grndma to be healed sheis very malnourished has bowel obstruction syndorm. needs dleiverance form dementia. i am her caregiver and i need help staying foccosed God help me do diapers feedign clenaing. pelase forgiv em for shortcmigns. pelas eprovide for lal my dneeds. also pelse hel my mom of aspgers syndorem and hela me of diabetes insipidus type 1 diabetes stress related stuff and hela my grandma too aof alld ehydration infection hygieen probelm help me clena her please Lord i need oyu to keep mo comapny im lonely. pleas eno fighitng in our home.pelas ehelp and heal my dad protec thifm rom all accidents and evil doers pelas ehalp him hget retriement moeny and ot do the job you want him to do.pelas eprotect me and my husband form all evil.. whoeve rmy husband is pleas ehelp him fidn me and me HIm Lord and recgonize who we are husband and wife joiend by the lord Jeus Chirst. Lor di i have certian temptaitons. pelas ehlp em overcome and also heal me of all metbaolic acidosis issues and remove the root cause therof i feel stressed an dconstant pressur ein my life. Lor dpelas eocm einto my lfie someonthigneed sot change . pelas ealso protec tm ybrothe rand his marriage to my siste rin law . pelas eprotect thier marriage form satna's lies. help them cmmuncate an dlvoe oen another liek eneer before help them wiht thei rmbaby girl help them riase them send triilions of holy angels ot protect their marriage and mine too and my husband Lor.d please also send mymom help that she needs pelase help em to do your WIl i pray htis of rlal peopel. pelas ehal my grandma praise sot oyu Lord Jeus Chirst. Lor di feel so tense and stressed.and stuck help me pelase. thnak you Lordinthenameo fthe Lord Jeus Chirs tnam ei pra.y Lord every da yi sor tof the same i need soemthign to refresh em Lor dpelas erefresh em by the powr of oyurhOly spirit i need You Lord. also protect me form all intrusive htoughts and mentla illenss pelas ehla my body pelas ehela my bowels and my grandmas body and bowels and brianand may she be ina good gmood someohow by our power lord otuch her and heal Lord allf or oyur glory also hela my moms brian too and brothers too pelase dleiver himf rom histmaine intolerance elt him no longer desire alchhaul and may he see how itis bad for oneself. also his wife and her fmaiyl too. protect them form covid protect my fmialy form accidents death covid pestilence curses witschcrft an dmy husband too.also pelas elor dbles sour fmaiyl so wee cna see ech othe roftem . i wanna see my da dpelas e make a way Lord. pelas ebless my fmaiyl wiht oyu rgrace and mercy pece and prosper us us. forgiv em for seek not oyur kIngdom teahcme abotu YOu and your ways Lord may i neve rbe deiceve dby lust or the devil again. Lead me out of all temptaitons and dleive rme form all illenss sickness andisease. help em repen help em hear oyur voice and i pray htis for lal peopel. please dleiver B form alchhaul and cigarettes pleas ehla his t eth and ocughign probelm pelas egiv ehimt he job he needs and pelase guid ehim wiht oyu rhOly spirit concenrign lal thigns and to do the roof. help him motivate him and send triilisn of holy angels wiht the project send himt he right comapny he needs so He can fulfill His destiny protec thimf rom witschcraft dleive rhim form all eivl Lor dmay He walk with oyu only Lor dprotecthimw ith oyur powe rlOrd and myself too.. iand all my fmaiyl memebrs in the name of the Lor dJeus Christ. May YOur peerfect WIll be reveale idn my life an dmy I do OYur WIll with joy. thanky uLor di pray htis for all peopel thnak