Beloved of All
please pray fo rmy fmaily t be delivered of streptecocous flesh eating bacteria. dleivered of all tumors cancer viruses nomroe flehs eaitgn bacteria.. no mroe genticly linked flesh eatign bacteria no more gouts tartar no mroe strepteccoucous flehs eaitgn bacteria.. SOS. please my grandm aha sbeen bedridden fro yours she has very high bacteria coutn.. pelase my fmaily is facing felsh eaitgn bacteria. i am exhasuted fighitng this bacteria. can you pleas epray tha tmy fmialy is delivere fdof all flesh eatign bacteria. i need the Lord to intervene. please Lord rid my fmialy of the flehs eaitng bacteria. i need a soulution Lor dpleas ehal us. please dont knwo how to deal with this...... i pray for Gdo to show me what to do with this situationa dn how to heal for me and all my fmialy andi pray that anyoen who has flehs eaitng bacteir cancer diabetes the Lord heal you for His Glro yna dhIs power. Lor di ni need oyur dleiverance. i really do. i am sorry for my sins. please dotn elt the bacteria eat anymor eof my flesh. pelase dotn let it eat me anymore. i need oyu to pelase restore my body. please regorw bone s kideys organs teeth.. please Lord i dont knwo what to do .. pleas ei Beg you so kindly,,, pleas eldiever htis world form all flehs eatign bacteri viruses... please Lord in your name .. pelase destroy the flehs eatign bacteria.. peas eno more damage.Lord Jeus christ. help my unbelife. i turn this problem to you. i ask for forgivness. pelas ehal the peopel with hae flehs eatign bacteri. please regrow tissues boens teeth lims.Lrd with oyu all thigns are possble. FOr Your glory pelase heal Schneider Vilmosné cmeltly dleiver her from all flehs eatign bacter. please dleive rmy mother form flesh eaitng bacteri and hela aspers autism in my fmaily blood line. healy my da dof bronchitis and all flehs eatign bacteria. Lord I need you to guide me VERY STRONGL. i dotn want to loose anymore tissues.i need you to elas ehel amy grandma.. Please dleive rmy entire fmaily bloodlien form all flrhs eaitng bacteria and dleiver all peopel with have cancer and deliver all peopel with have any flehs eatign bacteria.. Lord you can see all thigns. i cant see the bugs i dotn even know them but you can see and I aks you do veveryhtign iny osu power to deliver every isngle perosn form flesh eating unclean spirits. I belive OYu are the messiah: YOu ar emy dleiverr. I hav eno hope but You. thanky ou LOrd. i blive in your power. ntohign is impossibel with You thanky oufor beign my deliverer my healer my Savior my God. ipray oyu heall who have cancer pelase destory everyhtign that is destroying the people.