Beloved of All
please pray fo my dads heart ot heal heatve to work properly agian and he can breathe easily have plenty of oxygen.helaign for my mom s brian and heart and body and healign for my grandma who is bederidden. ineed more strnght an dhelaign form type 1 diabetes and dieabtes insipidus metabloic acidosis. Lord giv eme the power and strenght to do oyuir Will.please help my rbothe rand wife and baby as they preapre to visit us. help em with clenaing and matress and also with mobiel bed may th guy cotnact us pelase. also protect uf form allevil heal V heal B heart and please help with e cartgivign PLease also help me Lord ot have my own husband your choice. dleiver him form all evil and keep him in your will. thnak youIn thename of the Lord Jeus CHirs ti pray. also dleive rb form smokign and alchahul addiciton. please please giv e us all wisdom save and heal all peopel protect my whole fmaily form accident death and calamity. dleive rus form all strep all flehs eating bacteira and ls o hela my grandm aform dmeenita and heal her form highblood suagr high blood pressure. please touch my grandm and hela her. dleiver my fmaiyl form all bitterness angerl malice dleive rme form corona phobia szilaรกnk phobia germ phovia and also hela my teeth and my brother. dleive rmy fmialy form all dehydraiton. pelase savve heal protec tus form death calmity and accident all my fmaily all peopel int henamoe fthe Lord Jeus Christ. pleaseheal mymom form aspergers syndorm my bothe ran dpossibly B. hela BV brian help my fmialy and dleiverus form allc urses int henameof the Lord Jesus Christ.t surround us wit holy healign helping angels all of us guid eus iwht oyur Holy spirit Dleiver my fmaiyl form all demons all ucnelan spirits and please resotre us to exclelent helth alfl or oyur prais egory and power. Lor dpelas ehlp i neg oyuthanky ouia dnal hela al lonthis site lease heal TY totoal resotraiton of brian and helaht hela my grandmas brian totoal resotraiton helaign infecitons take aways form me amand my grandm and help us wiht hydgivene pelas etake away pmosotl protect us form evil and my neighborus too and brig us itno your willa nd love. int henameof the Lord Jesus Chris.t pelase forgbive all my sisn thanky ou. ipelad Hoyl blod upon this prayer. thaky u Lord Jeus Christ. Lord and saviour orfall.