Humble Servant of All
I praise Your Lord Christ Jesus for not forsaking me. I pray Lord Christ that You shall intercede and fight satan in this fight he's waging against You through me. I know the battle is Yours God. I pray for Your wisdom and discernment. I pray that You shall guide me through so that Your will and plan is done. Lord Christ I pray for Your intercession over the satanic warfare that the devil has his minions running all over the world and directed at Your brethren. Burn through satan's cords tethered around the necks of his spiritual army of dark spirits and forces. Cause Lord Jesus Christ that all demonic powers and spirits isolate themselves from each other and sever their cords of communication, Lord. For the Bible tells me that satan relies on his confederacy of demons to achieve his goal. Unlike You Jesus Christ, satan can't call his command into happening, he needs help from his demonic forces. So isolate them from each other and from satan and cause pandemonium within their existence and thwart satan's plot against me, Lord. Exhibit Yourself,Lord Jesus Chirst!! Amen!