Beloved of All
Absolutely no more disappointments with any photographs, videos, or video calls taken of me that I need to delete in any way, form, or ever again, ever. Please, Lord, bless and make me absolutely every single part of me look a lot, a lot, a lot better than all absolutely all every filter without no filters at all. Truly, incredibly beautiful, incredibly gorgeous, incredibly stunning, incredibly sexy, astonishing, amazing, incredibly positive, incredibly breathtaking, out of this world in absolutely every single way, part of me, me, in absolutely all every filter without no filters at all. They, I am truly, truly, incredibly blown away, amazed right now, always, every single time I plead the blood of Jesus Christ over absolutely all every photograph, video, or video call taken of me at all times in Jesus' name. Please, I decree and declare absolutely no more hurt, pain, sadness, sorrow, insecurity, disappointments with any and all photographs, videos, or video calls taken of me in Jesus' name. Lord, please, please bless your awesome, awesome, incredibly, incredibly beauty, glory, radiance, shine, glory to please please be upon absolutely every single part of me inside and out right now, always, incredibly. Bless and make me outshine absolutely all every girl, woman in absolutely every single way, form right now, always. Please, Lord, bless me, me, please with the most awesome, awesome, incredibly, incredibly very, very best ever compliments in every way, form, every single where I am, I go, restore my whole confidence in every way, form right now, please, Lord, in Jesus Christ's name. I ask you, please
, bless and make me, me, me the total, total, total very, very best ever very best ever model in absolutely every way, form, part of me, me right now, always. No more admiring. I am now totally, totally, incredibly, incredibly admired in every way, form right now, always, every single where I am, go right now, always. Please, Lord, in Jesus Christ's name.