Beloved of All
Please please please all pray Lord lord please forgive Me for all things in Jesus name Lord lord your words say ask and I will receive I ask you Lord Lord photographs videos are sooo super super important to me Lord they create memories Lord I ask you please please please Lord with all my heart please please bless make me me absolutely every every single part of me please Lord in absolutely every way form part of me me incredibly incredibly incredibly amazingly amazingly outstandingly sooo very very photogenic in absolutely every single way form there is please please Lord to be photogenic alot alot better than absolutely all every single all every top class models celebrities in Jesus Christ name alot alot alot alot better than absolutely absolutely all every girls women on face book instagram that I have admired for years in Jesus Christ name alot alot alot better please please Lord than absolutely all every single all every filters without any any any filters at all please Lord that I am truly truly astonished amazed overwhelmed with incredibly incredibly joy right now always every time please Lord absolutely no no no no no more disappointments with absolutely any photographs videos taken of me please never ever ever ever again ever please Lord in Jesus Christ names