I stand in agreement with this prayer."Whenever two or more are gathered in My name, I am in the midst of them."Yes, this is a concern of many, that they will be "forced" to take it, against their will.And the side affects , of which I've heard too.{although not everybody has gotten that.}Also, to me,{and I hear many other Christians say this} the fact that people are forced, and have to show "vaccination passports"before going into a store, sounds very much like Antichrist s way{"that they might not buy or sell, unless they had the mark"}Me, unless it becomes a law where they say I can't get food,I have no great desire to take it. I'm also not a person who likes to be forced to do things. And third, isn't it interesting that they push for abortion, a "womans right to choose", but they don't let us choose with the vaccine.