Beloved of All
PLEASe LorD JEsus Christ i BEg you to itnervene mightily in my life and in my entire fmaily life and everyoen life in a healign way. I NEed oyu rhelaing. I need you love. PLASE i am at my lowest low. NEED HELP NEED HELP HEELP I BEG YOU LORD JEus Christ pleas eheal my grandma.PLEASE I BEG You LORd Im so tired im so tire dim so tired. so tired and exhasuted.LOrd I NEED HEKP ASAP. LORd pLEas eliek rihgt now urgent need help need help emergency help I need help. my grandm anneds healing.Pleas ie beg you LRo dhave mercy nOt well im nto well.Lord pelas epleas ehLp im snot well ahevr merc yon my sins.Im snnot well. PElas ei beg you Lord if you love me SHOW ME YOU LOVCE me ina way i need to feel your love nOW im deperate i NEEd help desperate i need help helaign desparate im so desparate PLESASE PLEASE PLEASE