It has been almost four months since John & I called it quits. Since then the Lord has shown me & spoken to me in so many ways. He has truly blessed me with His wisdom, revelation, & insight. I have grown tremendously. God has continued to fill me full of faith, encouragement & hope. T believe in my heart John & I are soul mates & God is going to make a testimony out of our lives & our relationship. I have put all my trust & confidence in my Father in Heaven to reconcile & restore our love & our relationship to be so much more than I could have ever possibly dreamed. God has shown me so many things about me, John & our relationship I was totally blind to while we were together. I ask that you please pray for me & for John. We need healing. We have both been through a lot in our lives. We dearly love each other but our past has made us fearful. With that said we have created problems that had no need to even exist. John & I both need prayer for healing of our pasts so that we can fully give & receive love the way God intended. I don't know how to fix me on my own. John & I need God to show us how to love ourselves & one another. I know prayer is a powerful thing. I cannot thank you enough for praying for us. God is certainly smiling down upon you people that so amazingly & blessfully pray for others. God bless you all!!