Beloved of All
please Lor dheal siste irn law and brother from covid keep nephewehins iste irn law womb safe form covid. keep them safe.dleiver them form allillness keep neice safe. Lor dpelas ehal my granma formdmentia highblososuga rhigh bloos pressur esmall boel obstrcution syndorme. give her storgn desire to fight and lfv e .pelas ehla my da dofrm osteposis tooth ininfection heart valv eneeds healign and needs excelelnt oxygen to hear.t pelas eLor dhela ihim and pelas egive him yoru salvaiton as well as my whoel fmaiyl . hela my mom.deive rhe rform amalgan filligns mirculusl yhea ehr teehtugms dentla flehs heal her briana dn heal all sugar relate dillness metbaoic acidosis all step felhs eaitng bacteir infection dehydration depresison anxiety allucnelan spriits eav emy fmaily my parnet smy grandma my brother his wife adn children if applicabel pelas ehal us keep us in yoOYur will adn help em to be best caregive to my grandma nd fmaily. Pleas ehal my eform cassandra syndorme. heal Vincent dleive rhtme form cancer miracle pelas.e heal Bs brian heal hsi life and if hes my husbadn make it clea rLord. heal his brian dleive rhimf orm alchahul cigarrets all ungodl yhabits addictiosn save hima nd delive hrimf orm evil. pleas ehal my dad Lor dplease provid ewas of rme to see him agian do alliynour power. Lor dpleas eofrigv eme form dishounring my parent shelp me to obey them in allthigns even when im severey depressed. please giv em the lvo euspport all tha it nee dot keep goign for the fihgt is real. please provid eme a Godly health yhappy protective carign emotinally mature an dlovign husband form your hands as a gift. pleas eprapre us to be happily one flehs and may he ove me the way i am. Lor dhelp em be who im suppose dot be. also help me udnerstand mypurpose and i feel so lost . please make me a happy mothe rof children ( even form my ownwomb. do alliny our power to heal protect my fmaily from evil ressurect us in Chirst heal us and brign us to do OYur WIll. dleive rme form coorna phobia and szilΓ‘nk phobia and also giv em energy heal me form type one diabetes and idabete isnsipidus. please giv eme soem cute little gifts tha it woudl like. i nice card soem cute fmbirc soem staiotnary. jsut osmeothign fun to brighten my day. i dont really have way to get these htigns. pelas eprovide best mobiel bed ofr my grandma. and also help em cena house help me not be depressed. i feel laoen . please help me find a wa you of depression resenment andhoplessness and ange.ri feel i odnt have any firend sfo ros long it hurts. i feel so alone. please Lor dhelp em wiht this. do i really not nee dfirends? i feel liek im alway spunished. guide me int he wa yi shoudl go an dmake careigin veaseier. help my mom not say inapropriate thigns al the time. please belss all ym fmaiyl do alliny oru power to bels smy fmaiyland dleive rthem formalle ivl. protect us form accident deaht camitiy. aksign for retka eexam for my dads citizenhsip tes.t pela sie wamt nto see my dad asap make a wa.y also have hardtiem wiht low energy adn so hard fakign it. i aslo dotn feel ver yocmfortbae with B... i odntknow who he is my hsaubdnad? pelas heal him i need to have clear direciton as to what role that man play sin my lfie. pelase God make it clear and help fme foccus on serivn oyu no matter what. i need mro e love and attantionto keep goign.pelase remove this sadness in me that nothign is possibelf or em. i need hope and thnaky ouf or helaign me. please bels smy partens have their oyuth restored remove satna form their lives and form mine and form B adn brother and his wife and kids. dleiv ur sofrm aleivl and dleiver V form satan. hela his rbian provid ebes tof the bes tcare ofr him and remove lalevil form his life. bels shim Lord and use hima dn my fmaiyl yfor your glroy. aksign for amiralc ehusbadn who lvoes me nd i feel liek hsi one flehs not seprate i want o be included and wanted an needed and esired and felt and seen and heard and loved mby my husband in Chirst. no asperger sin the way if tha ti sth e case. same iwht my mom. pelase rmeove aspeergers form my life and cassandra sydnroem. ehlp me to hear oyur voice and discern your otne clearly Lord. help em to communciate help em to hear OYur voice Lor dhelp me to know oyu and doyour IWll. gently guid eme into all truth. peas end allwars and heal all lands. especially where thier is ruin war and poverty. dliver us all fom uncena spriits. pelase belss this day for lalwith good heath helaignmiracle srsssurecitosn and may all obtian salvaiton and mercy in Chirst our Lord. guid eme and dlieve rme form vnait.y i feel lsot . giv em healthy happy florusihign relaitonships. i donnot knwo how to have relaitonships Lord caus ei dont eblognt o a churhc and im in foreighn coutnry everyhtign feels foreign allt he tme andi want to have ahoem. pelas giv eme ahoem that feels smells like hoem a hoem wher iem loved seen heard. pleas ebelss my husbadn whoeve rHe is wiht oyur salvaiton dleiverance form alldmeonic opression dleiverance form allunclean undgold yhabit sdlieverance form strange woemn .keep ur marirag ebd pur are hearts turned toward God and have man and wife relaitonship God intded. let no weapon formed agianst me or my hubadn prosper. Pleas emak eus your most faithful servants. please teahme how otpray when wha to pray. and how ot hear oyur voic emake myour lamb. i feel so aloen and sicoraged. help Lor dhelp my parnets ot fhear and know you Lord Jues Chirs tmy brothe rbΓ© heal his hear giv ehimyour salvaiotn giv eus allemrr yhearts giv eGrandΓ© bes tof hte best care. ifeels o aloen in ehr care no oen to talk to bewiht me ord...and pelas eb wiht those who are ogign trhough tragedy. help that man. also help B and help Pierre bels him for helign me. belss my enemies friends fmaiyl all epoel and help me to know oyu better than ever.pelase provide waterproof clothign eaisly washable looks good and i can wash my clothes. i need helpw ith the clenaingmy phobias mentally phyacally emotinalyl Lor di need ouy to ge tmeon track help with hygeine and diapers. no pest or evil mor mould in our hjome or property. please keep unwanted visitory away and protect and help us iwhtoyu rhOly angels. help me to fear oy rname depart form eivl. Lord the ddisaspintment is hard .pelase take way the diasspoinemtn i pelas.e help thnaky ou. int henameof the Lord Jesu s Christ.