Beloved of All
PLease LOR dheal my grandmothe rint he nam eof Jesus Christ. Be merciful unot my family LORD. Please forgive our wrong doings. please show me what us what to do . me and Markus.. shwo us what to do concernign us. LORd. Please help please intervene. ans please help my mama ans grandma, pap.. le thim get the 79 dollars. LORd help me with my life... help me with the bank stuff.. help me get cheap plane ticket to hungary,... please.... Please giv eme direction, give Scott direction please help his fmaiyl. please God help allt he italian victims of the earthquake. LORd convert the whole world to follow your Son Jesus . All accordign to your holy and perfect Will for our lives I pray int eh name of Jesus Christ. Thank you all who are prayign for my grandma . my mom says thank you as well..