Beloved of All
Please Pray in the Holy name of Jesus that Almighty God will tonight by spiritual healing, place my brain and all of the damage caused by brain haemorrhage and stroke into the skull of my husband, and place my husband's healthy brain within my skull. My husband and myself are both Praying that our Heavenly Father will answer our Prayer. It is my husband's wish that he carries my burden, and when necessary, lays down his life that I may live. My husband knows that I would look after him day and night, and would never stop being grateful for his wonderful gift to me. Please also Pray that Our Father will carry me back through time to a time in 2022, so that I can be safe from very, very serious illness. Please Pray that Our Lord is willing to help me. Although Our Lord's ways are higher than my ways and He does know the end before the beginning, I am begging Him to allow me this chance owing to the lack of care or compassion shown by my physician. Please Pray that Our Gracious Lord will allow me to remain in this world, as I still have so much to do, all in the Wonderful name of God. Please Pray that Our Lord allows me to remain upon this Earth, and that He does not take me from my family. Everything I do in this world will be done to Glorify the name of God. It would break my son's heart to lose me, and my grandson is only just eight years old, he still needs me. Please Pray for me that Our Lord will grant my Prayers and help me to recover from this awful brain haemorrhage and stroke, caused in large part by my physician's lack of care, compassion or understanding. My physician did take the Oath of her Creed and tear it asunder. Please Pray that Our Lord will accept my Prayers and put right what the physician did wrong. Please Pray that Almighty God will forgive my begging Him for an extra chance, and that He will put right what my physician did wrong. Please, I need as many voices as possible lifting my Plea to Our Father. Please Help Me.