Humble Prayer Partner
Please interpret my dream, please read it all. I was with many people in a dream. We were in a two-storey nipa hut in the middle of a forest. Suddenly, I saw a mud flood rapidly coming down from the mountain peak. We were alarmed knowing that later on it will come to devour us. So we got on the highest part of the nipa hut. Suprisingly, we were not harmed. The rapid mud flood did not come to were we are. After seconds, I saw in my dream that we were on the top of the mountain. Suddenly, the mountains in front of us began to crumble. People were alarmed and afraid and some tried to evacuate with their clans to the highest mountain not far from us. I and my sister, together with my cousins, decided to evacuate also. But in my dreams we didnt. Rather, I saw myself trying to calm the people. I was holding a microphone there and told then this verse: "Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,โ says the LORD, who has compassion on you." Please tell me what this dream means.