Humble Servant of All
Please help prayer warriors be prayed for Julie she's at the hospital please pray for Lord to take care of the medical people that will help her pray for Lord that allow her to be under the blood of the Lamb and expose not to be exposed to the virus pray for Lord to allow her to be well and Jesus precious name Pray for her to be under the blood of the Lamb and the Baptist of the Holy Ghost Pray for Lord to ease the mind about b**** in G and others praying for her and Jesus precious name Pray for Lord to now anywhere performed against her that shall not prosper pray for safe energy when she has to go to mercy that the Lord will take care of her heart her woman cleansing her knee and Jesus name pray for victory in Jesus for July 19 all of the Holy Spirit That's washing her protecting her and protecting the doctor's hands and any utensils use and Jesus name pray for the Lord for no ulcers no cancers no hidden illnesses in Jesus name pray for her womb cleansing and pray for anointing all over her and Jesus precious name Amen and amen and pray for peace and Hampton home briefing no arguments yelling and screaming and stress Pray for Lord to remove the negative memory of the past input lead us forward please pray for Lord to not allow our minds to be saturated beside the sorrow misery pray for Lord to allow us at peace the passes on understanding pray for Lord to not allow the dot liar to try to infiltrate our home our family our relatives have been divided up and pray for our families to come together as not being divided pray for Aunt b that she will call Bob H today that his nephew see will call him and pray for the anointing of the Holy Spirit The conviction of the Holy Spirit over all of them in Jersey and Pennsylvania and New York pray for prudence to pray for Virginia the time school church will be under the blood of the Lamb and the baptism of the Holy Spirit Pray for Lord to allow her to know who Christ is and under the control pray for the Lord to have Ross more stay in the word stay in the word stay in the word stay in the word pray for him to pray for G and pray for his parents to pray for G and love her and accept her and his precious and holy name Pray for Lord to not allow us to remind us to remember to not lean on our own thoughts Believe on him Pray for Lord to remind me to lean on him Pray for Lord to take care of any mental pains physical pain that will cause any problem in Jesus name and pray for Lord to take care of the car and bring the car back soon and that we were able to have a vehicle to get out in Jesus name pray for Papa to get healing for the wound take care of urology that the Lord will allow his body to be healed and Jesus name and the doctors will give him the right medication the right treatment and Jesus name pray for victory in Jesus amen and amen pay for Mr Allen has to be mad at G and that he will meet Ross Moore in the near future that we will be acquainted again pray for Lord to not allow the liar to divide him up divide rossmoren G the more Hampton Union via victory in Jesus pray for Lord for weddings at the Hampton home that Julius future husband and Jesus Christ is a man of God a loving man of God and that the Lord will allow Bobby to see his daughters become wives and mothers pray for victory in Jesus amen amen and amen