Humble Prayer Warrior
Into existence I get a great new boyfriend who is a Scorpio and our energy can't be ever be stolen. Someone who is a dream come true that can have a heart for me that is very attractive since for over 11 years now I had to love for God someone who I made to see as the only person I was attracted to. Let either Myles Hass come or better then Hass so I'm not alone every night I'm happy I get a job where I can have a life DNA SiGNATURES where only people that follow me are a good thing not people who litter or people who won't hear properly at all and just listen to a crap Narrator. Let the doors open for me to be happy with someone who deserves me Mexican would be GREAT let my FAVOR DNA . Myles Hass and Enrique can be friends with me anytime they want I have followed them for years they are more then welcome to live there anyway they want there none of my business as far as I'm concerned. I'm not jealous of who they sleep with they know that now. I really would Enrique around me or someone that is like that. Let everyone who deserves shake to death today for breaking Gods heart I served God Almighty with Myles Hass for nothing as far as I'm concerned prayed for no reason loved him for no reason. Now please since I did my time for GOD ALMIGHTY and his desires absolutely let me have a GREAT lover GREAT FAVOR DNA SiGNATURES based with the right people who can make me laugh enjoy me make movies get a job at Disneyland or Universal studios just let doors open for me to be happy and then when I get someone finally that a hearts desire or someone who only wants me he doesn't go anywhere else ever again he's so strong that he is a blessing that cannot be reversed. Myles Hass can always have a chance to text call me find me chase me be normal but he doesn't help me try to find anybody unless it's Enrique instead he knows I can do that on my own better then he can help me. Definitely not who's been sleeping with him even speaks my name out loud ever period permanently they know there name is Egypt from God Almighty and his weirdos literally forget me they don't reap any of my energy or prayers I prayed from my heart and Gods Almighty heart FOREVER instead I have my GRACE energy back with me and I get the best dates you can imagine with someone who wants twins and to fulfill at least some of GODS hearts desires absolutely then. I get the best BOAZ to take me to get a make over since I have only been killed by everyone needing and wanting my air and to take Myles Hass from me and God Almighty. Now I have. A GREAT lover GREAT FAVOR with him and I can feel him and there's weird bond with Luis Torres Joel Magdeleno Kayleena Freeman Shaleen Freeman Sharon Boyd Richard BOYD the doors open wide for me to have someone near me that makes me happy so my heart can finally smile. Let doors open wide that I get a hearts desire and he comes towards me continually to the point no one wants to block me lock me out of having a great PIZZA life. Into existence in Jesus name amen amen amen amen amen amen amen